

Berkeley earned 苹果杰出学校 status in September 2021. Incorporating technology into innovative learning and teaching at Berkeley is so essential that we have included it within the primary goal of our strategic plan. The goal, 变革的教育之旅, is supported by strategies that invite students to be the central participants in the learning process, 变得善于批判性思维, 目标设定, 和反射. Technology facilitates a dynamic learning environment that offers students a high degree of personal engagement through activities such as debate, 角色扮演, 在线讨论, 概念图, 和think-pair-share. Teachers model a growth mindset by using iPads and MacBooks to deliver prompt, 在课堂内外为学生提供个性化反馈. Apple technology gives our students the tools they need to shape their future. 
所有棋牌游戏平台学生都拥有苹果技术, and technology in every classroom centers the learner in their education. Berkeley’s Apple Teachers leverage the most powerful learning tools in history to engage students in a shared experience of discovery that gives reality to the promise of a transformative education. 结果简直是惊人的. Science teachers collaborate with music teachers to allow students to see and measure the relationship between pitch and frequency. 当社交距离停止现场表演时, theatre students produced a feature film in place of a stage production. From a Pre-K student using an iPad to photograph then study the structure of a leaf, to an orchestra student using his or her MacBook Pro to record and edit a self-duet, Berkeley students use technology to make learning personal and meaningful. 科学中心, Engineering, 科技公司包含3D打印机, 绿色的屏幕, and robotics that enhance our 较低的部门 STEAM curriculum and invites students to become innovative problem solvers. Kindergarteners used the center to create public service announcements about extreme weather conditions as part of a lesson plan on the weather. Using The Center for Environmental Research and Experiential Science, 结合我们最先进的制造工作室, digital lab, 还有最新的数字工具, 中间部门 students brainstorm creative solutions to real-world problems and then prototype their ideas. The 高级体验式学习中心 gives students hands-on experience in medicine, law, 和业务. 

100% of Berkeley teachers have earned their Apple Teacher designation. 他们对GarageBand等苹果产品的了解, iMovie, and Pages has transformed the classroom environment to become more interdisciplinary and experiential resulting in students grasping new information better. Products like these allow students to grow beyond a textbook or white board. 
Learning did not pause when a global pandemic stopped us from being together physically. We were able to shift into a remote learning model without delay because 我们6-12年级的学生100%拥有一台苹果笔记本电脑Click here 
了解更多棋牌游戏大全技术如何创新的信息 LowerMiddle, and Upper Divisions. 
成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, Episcopal, 位于坦帕的大学预备走读学校, FL, 适用于从幼儿园到12年级的男孩和女孩. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.